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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
The Salvation Army San Diego maintains a Marketing and Public Relations department to serve the needs of local and national media. We are committed to keeping the media informed through alerting, advising and providing timely communication concerning the important year-round activities of The Salvation Army San Diego.
For press inquires please contact:
Jake Minger
Communications Manager
Office: 619-446-0294
The Salvation Army San Diego Regional Office
6605 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92115
Read our blog for impactful stories from around San Diego County.
December 2024
12/25/2024 - NBC 7 - - 600 Meals given out for Christmas at Centre City Downtown Salvation Army │ Archive │ YouTube
12/19/2024 - FOX 5 - - The Salvation Army Rady Center (Interview w/ Lt Col. Lee Lescano)
12/12/2024 - NBC7 - - Salvation Army asks for toys, food donations to help San Diego families this Christmas (Interview w/ Janet Reade) │ YouTube
12/8/2024 - Cool San Diego Sights - - Smiles and fun at the La Jolla Holiday Festival! │Archive
12/3/2024 - NBC 7 - - Giving Tuesday Bucket Blitz, Salvation Army teams up with Peterson's Donut Corner (Interview w/ Major Rob Birks)
12/3/2024 - NBC 7 - - Giving Tuesday Bucket Blitz celebrated at Peterson's Donut Corner (Interview w/ Captain Lt. Denise Litreal)
12/3/2024 - NBC 7 - - Giving Back for Giving Tuesday during Bucket Blitz (Interview w/ Major Rob Reardon)
12/3/2024 - KUSI - - Giving Tuesday Bucket Blitz 2024 with Escondido Mayor Dane White (Interview w/ Major Rob Reardon)
12/3/2024 - KUSI - - Giving Tuesday Bucket Blitz 2024 at Peterson's Donut Corner (Interview w/ Major Rob Reardon, Mark Arabo)
12/3/2024 - FOX5 - - Giving Tuesday Bucket Blitz at Peterson's Donuts
November 2024
11/28/2024 - FOX 5 - - The Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals Feed San Diegans In Need
11/28/2024 - CBS 8 - - The Salvation Army Serving San Diegans Meals For Thanksgiving (Interview w/ Mayor Todd Gloria)
11/28/2024 - ABC 10 - - Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals Serve Hope
11/27/2024 - CBS 8 - - The Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals (Interviewed w/ Lt. Denise Litreal)
11/27/2024 - CBS 8 - - Jeffrey "Toy Man" Olsen receives Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award (Interview w/ Jeffrey Olsen, Lt. Cody Trimmer) │ Archive │ YouTube
October 2024
10/30/2024 - The San Diego Union-Tribune Together San Diego - - Help raise funds for Rady Center (Interview w/ Lt. Col. Lee Lescano) │ Archive
10/12/2024 - KUSI - Beds Available At The Salvation Army San Diego's Adult Rehabilitation Center (Interview w/ Captain Paul Swain)
September 2024
9/24/2024 - KUSI - Salvation Army Senior Nutrition Programs address food insecurity among seniors
August 2024
8/1/2024 - ABC 10 - Backpacks and School Supplies Given Away (Interview w/ Pamela George)
July 2024
7/10/2024 - KPBS - Seniors beating the heat with The Salvation Army Senior Nutrition Program
June 2024
6/3/2024 - KUSI - The Salvation Army National Donut Day Festival aboard the USS Midway Museum (Interview w Major Rob Reardon, Kristen Hernandez)
6/3/2024 - FOX 5 - The Salvation Army Inaugural Donut Festival on the Midway for National Donut Day (Interview w/ Dave Koontz, Kristen Hernandez)
6/3/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army National Donut Day Donut Festival on the Midway (interview w/ Major Rob Reardon, Kristen Hernandez)
May 2024
5/29/2024 -The San Diego Union-Tribune - Women of Dedication Luncheon │ Archive
April 2024
4/17/2024 - NBC 7 - Salvation Army plans to expand downtown San Diego shelter with $119M renovation │ Archive
4/17/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army Rady Center to Increase Shelter Capacity in San Diego
4/17/2024 - Telemundo 20 - Telemundo 20 - Otro refugio para personas sin hogar
4/17/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army Increasing Shelter Capacity in San Diego
4/17/2024 - Telemundo 20 - El Ejército de Salvación abrirá un refugio en San Diego
4/18/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army Rady Center to open in Downtown San Diego in 2027
4/18/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army's Rady Center Is Increasing Shelter Capacity In San Diego
4/18/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army To Build Rady Center, A Downtown Shelter - (TSA only) (Interview w/ Major Rob Reardon)
4/18/2024 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army To Build Rady Center, A Downtown Shelter - (extended intro) (Interview w/ Major Rob Reardon)
4/18/2024 - NBC 7 - Salvation Army Plans For Downtown San Diego Shelter
4/1/2024 - Giving Back Magazine - Door of Hope │ Pages 16, 18, 19
January 2024
1/24/2024 - FOX Weather - Lifeguards rescue man from San Diego Flooding (Interview w/ Samantha Cerney) │ Archive │ YouTube
1/23/2024 - Yahoo! News - Community Center Lifeguards Save Man Stranded in San Diego Flooding │ Archive
1/23/2024 - FOX 5 - The Salvation Army Kroc Center Lifeguards save stranded man during flood
1/23/2024 - KUSI - Floods across San Diego prompts rescue from The Salvation Army lifeguards (Interview w/ Jake Minger)
1/23/2024 - KUSI - Major flooding in San Diego prompts rescue from The Salvation Army lifeguards (Interview w/ Jake Minger)
1/22/2024 - FOX 5 - The Salvation Army Lifeguards save man from flooded truck in San Diego
December 2023
12/26/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army Youth Band Practices for the 2023 Holiday Bowl Parade
12/26/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Band In Holiday Bowl Parade (Interview w/ Majors Rob and Amy Reardon)
12/25/2023 - Univision - The Salvation Army Christmas Meal - Comida Navideña Para la Comunidad (Interview w/ Captain Jeremy Alexander)
12/25/2023 - FOX 5 - The Salvation Army San Diego Christmas Holiday Meals
12/24/2023 - FOX 5 - La Pastaia hosts Holiday Fundraiser for The Salvation Army │ Archive │ YouTube
12/18/2023 - FOX 5 - The Salvation Army San Diego Christmas Holiday Meals (Interview w/ Major Rob Birks)
12/18/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Toy N Joy Angel Tree at The Kroc Center (Interview w/ Janet Higley-Reed)
12/18/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Kroc Center Toy N Joy Christmas Workshop (Interview w/ Major Rob Birks)
12/18/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Toy N Joy Christmas Workshop at The Kroc Center (Interview w/ Major Rob Birks)
12/17/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Kroc Center Helping Families In Need This Christmas
12/17/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Christmas Toy N Joy at Kroc Center
12/10/2023 - Times of San Diego - Navy Federal Credit Union Adopts Families in Need with Local Salvation Army for Holidays │ Archive
October 2023
10/12/2023 - The LOCAList SD - The Salvation Army San Diego Doing The Most Good In Our Community (Interview w/ Majors Rob and Amy Reardon)
May 2023
5/19/2023 - KOGO - The Salvation Army Rady Center Helping Homelessness Crisis in Down Town San Diego - (Interview w/ Lt. Col Lee Lescano)
5/18/2023 - KUSI - National Salvation Army Week And The New Rady Center in Downtown San Diego - (Interview w/ Lt. Col Lee Lescano)
5/18/2023 - KUSI - The Salvation Army San Diego Set to Make A Dent in Homelessness - (Interview w/ Lt. Col Lee Lescano)
5/4/2023 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Together San Diego - Salvation Army San Diego Donut Day at U.S.S. Midway, Summer Camps, The Rady Center - (Interview w/ Lt. Col Lee Lescano)
5/7/2023 - Rancho Santa Fe Review - Annual Women of Dedication luncheon raises more than $300K
5/3/2023 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Annual Women of Dedication luncheon raises more than $300K │ Archive
April 2023
4/11/2023 - KUSI - 57th Annual Women of Dedication Luncheon Happening April 21 - (Interview w/ Dee Amon, Dr. Julie Cowan Novak)
January 2023
1/26/2023 - ABC 10 - New Salvation Army ARC campaign gives those struggling with substance abuse a Second Chance
1/26/2023 - ABC 10 - New Salvation Army ARC Second Chances campaign Helps Addicts Recover in San Diego
1/25/2023 - ABC 10 - The Salvation Army ARC launches Second Chances Campaign in San Diego
November 2022
11/30/2022 - Audacy - Living Better in San Diego - The Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign returns for 2022 - Archive │ Archive 2
11/29/2022 - Head Topics - San Diegans support charitable causes for Giving Tuesday
11/29/2022 - KUSI - Donations To The Salvation Army To Be Matched on Giving Tuesday - Archive
11/25/2022 - ABC 10 - Thanksgiving Dinner For Families In Need (Interview w/ Lt. Col. Lee Lescano)
11/24/2022 - Local Today - The Salvation Army ministers to 2,000 people in San Diego
11/24/2022 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army Thanksgiving Dinner - Archive
11/24/2022 - CBS 8 - Salvation Army Serves 2K People This Holiday in San Diego
11/24/2022 - CBS 8 - Salvation Army serves 2K people in San Diego this Thanksgiving - Archive
11/23/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army On Their Thanksgiving meals and Tree Lighting Event
11/22/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals and Tree Lighting Event at Grossmont Center (Interview With Col. Lee Lescano)
11/22/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army On Their Upcoming Thanksgiving Meals
11/21/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army Hosting Free Thanksgiving Meals Across the County
11/21/2022 - CBS 8 - Salvation Army To Provide Thanksgiving Meals
11/20/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army Hosting Thanksgiving Meals and tree Lighting Event
11/17/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army Will Be Giving Out Free Thanksgiving Meals At Four Local TSA Locations - Archive
11/15/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Column: New Salvation Army honorees have host of hidden talents - Archive
11/10/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Salvation Army kicks off red kettle campaign, Thanksgiving and Christmas meal (Interview w/ Col. Lee Lescano) - Archive
11/9/2022 - Pacific San Diego - How to give back this holiday season in San Diego County
October 2022
10/31/2022 - KOGO - Rady Family & Salvation Army announce $100M Center To Help Homeless in San Diego
10/28/2022 - NBC 7 - Rady Center Development Project
10/28/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army Announces $100M Rady Center Development Project (Interview w/ Lt. Col. Lee Lescano)
10/28/2022 - CBS 8 - The Salvation Army $100M Rady Center To Help Homeless in San Diego
10/27/2022 - NBC 7 - The Salvation Army $100M Rady Center To Help Homeless Planned For Downtown (Interview w/ Megan Dowell, Trinda Pearcy)
10/27/2022 - NBC 7 - $100M Facility to help homeless planned for downtown (Interview with Megan Dowell, Trinda Pearcy)
10/27/2022 - NBC 7 - $100M Salvation Army Rady Center To Help Homeless Planned For Downtown (Interview w/ Trinda Pearcy)
10/27/2022 - CBS8 - $100 Million going to fight homelessness with new Rady Center Facility (Interview w/ Megan Dowell)
10/27/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Salvation Army announces its biggest project to date a $100 million center to serve homeless people - Archive │ PDF │ Print
10/27/2022 - Times of Dan Diego - Ernest and Evelyn Rady Pledge Support for $100M Salvation Army Service Center Downtown - Archive
10/27/2022 - Local Today - Ernest, Evelyn Rady pledge support for The Salvation Army’s $100 million service center
10/26/2022 - KUSI - Trunk or Treat at The Salvation Army Escondido Corps
September 2022
August 2022
8/31/22 - KUSI - Uplift San Diego's Step Up Challenge for a great cause with Salvation Army (pt. 2)
8/31/2022 - KUSI - Uplift San Diego's Step Up Challenge for a great cause
8/18/2022 - Caring Magazine - Youth activists' efforts support women and children at Door of Hope
8/13/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army Is Hosting Their 8th Annual Back To School Event w Foot Locker
8/13/2022 - NBC 7 - SD Heads Back To School
8/13/2022 - ABC 10 - Salvation Army Backpack Drive at Escondido Corps
8/13/2022 - ABC 10 - Salvation Army Backpack Drive with Kiwanis Club of Escondido
8/13/2022 - ABC 10 - Salvation Army Backpack Drive
8/13/2022 - ABC 10 - Volunteers Prepare Backpacks For Students In Need
8/11/2022 - ABC GMA3 - Lucky Duck Foundation, The Salvation Army & Feeding San Diego create jobs
8/11/2022 - NBC 7 - Inflation is changing San Diegan's hopping habits
8/10/2022 - NBC 7 - Key Reports Shows Slowdown In Inflation (ft. The Salvation Army Thrift Store)
8/1/2022 - Escondido Times - Advocate - Kiwanis Club to help needy families
July 2022
7/30/2022 - NBC 7 - San Diegans Received Free Eye Exams and Glasses at The Salvation Army ARC - YouTube │ Archive
7/25/2022 - Midway Currents - Donut Chow-Down Commemorates Salvation Army’s Service to Veterans
7/6/2022 - Ministry Watch - Salvation Army Partners with Other Nonprofits in San Diego to Salvage Food, Feed and Create Jobs
June 2022
6/27/2022 - Caring Magazine - SAN DIEGO KROC CENTER CELEBRATES 20 YEARS
6/27/2022 - ABC 10 - Salvation Army Kroc Center Celebrates 20 Years
6/23/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army Kroc Center San Diego Celebrating 20 Year Anniversary
6/23/2022 KUSI - The Salvation Army Kroc Center Celebrating 20 Years in Business
6/22/2022 - ABC 10 - 3 San Diego organizations help provide jobs to the homeless - Archive
6/22/2022 - ABC 10 - San Diego Organizations Provide Jobs For Homeless (Lucky Duck & Salvation Army)
6/21/2022 - Lucky Duck Foundation - Lucky Duck Foundation, Feeding San Diego & The Salvation Army collaboration has rescued 500,000 lbs. of food, and, all graduates are employed and still housed
6/3/2022 - CBS 8 - Today is National Donut Day (The Salvation Army on the Midway)
6/1/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army's National Donut Day World Donut Eating Championship Happening Friday (Interview w/ Miki Sudo)
6/1/2022 - CBS 8 - The Salvation Army's Donut Eating Contest
May 2022
April 2022
4/14/2022 - Del Mar Times - Photo gallery: Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary honors ‘Leading Ladies’ at Women of Dedication lunch
4/13/2022 - KOGO AM - San Diego Residents get temporary relief from inflation from food distribution
4/13/2022 - KOGO AM - San Diego Residents get temporary relief from inflation
4/12/2022 - KUSI - Free Food Distribution Toyota of Poway and The Salvation Army
4/12/2022 - ABC 10 - A Tad of Inflation Relief
4/12/2022 - KUSI - Spring Break Leaves Many Families Facing Food Insecurity Across The Country
4/12/2022 - KUSI - Free Food Distribution Event
4/12/2022- ABC 10 - Inflation Rate Keeps Climbing, Toyota and Salvation Army
4/12/2022 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army and Toyota Food Giveaway
4/12/2022 - ABC 10 - A tad of inflation relief for some San Diegans - YouTube │ Archive
4/9/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army Holds Spring Break Food Distribution Event at Toyota of Poway
4/7/2022 - La Jolla Light - Photo gallery: Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary honors ‘Leading Ladies’ at Women of Dedication lunch │ Archive
4/6/2022 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Faith Communities getting ready for Holy Week across North County - Archive
4/1//2022 - Giving Back Magazine - Salvation Army San Diego
4/1/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Easter egg hunting is back in person across the county - Archive
4/1/2022 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication Luncheon
March 2022
3/23/2022 - NBC 7 - Increased Demand at San Diego Food Banks Due to Inflation - YouTube
3/23/2022 - NBC 7 - Increased Demand at Food Banks
3/23/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army is Holding a Spring Cleaning Sale This Weekend
3/23/2022 - KUSI - Spring Cleaning Promotion
3/23/2022 KUSI - Customers can save 50% on all clothing Friday and Saturday
3/23/2020 - KUSI - Load all of the things that “don’t bring you joy” into your car to drop off at the Salvation Army
3/22/2022 - NBC 7 - Increased Demand at Food Banks, Salvation Army Downton
3/20/2022 - KUSI - Kiwanis Club, Salvation Army Team Up To Send Emergency Aid To Ukraine
3/19/2022 - KUSI - Kiwanis Club of La Jolla and Salvation Army send aid to Ukraine
3/16/2022 - Feeding San Diego - Share Your Luck: Feeding San Diego Partners with the Lucky Duck Foundation and The Salvation Army to Create Opportunities for San Diegans Experiencing Homelessness - Archive
3/15/2022 - KUSI - Kiwanis Club of La Jolla Partners With The Salvation Army To Help Ukrainians (Interview w/ Craig Gagliardi) - YouTube │ Archive
3/15/2022 - KUSI - The Salvation Army and Kiwanis Club of La Jolla aid Ukraine efforts
3/15/2022 - KOGO AM - The Lucky Duck Foundation Partners with The Salvation Army to provide computers
3/10/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Sharks, new pro hoops team in San Diego, look to build fan base with free tickets and popcorn - Archive
3/2/2022 - ABC 10 - How San Diegans can help Ukrainians
3/2/2022 - CBS 8 - Giving To Legitimate Relief Organizations like Salvation Army (Interview with Col. Lee Lescano)
3/2/2022 - CBS 8 - Giving To Legitimate Relief Organizations
3/1/2022 - KUSI - Salvation Army International provides relief to Ukraine and neighboring countries (Interview w/ Col. Chamness) - YouTube │ Archive
3/1/2022 - ABC 10 - The Salvation Army Provides Aid to Ukrainian Refugees *Interview with Col Lee Lescano)
3/1/2022 - CBS 8 - How to support Ukraine with The Salvation Army San Diego (Interview with Col. Lee Lescano)
3/1/2022 - Fox 5 - Local Efforts to Help Ukraine(Interview with Lt. Col. Lee Lescano) - YouTube │ Archive
3/1/2022 - Fox 5 - The Salvation Army's Efforts in the Ukraine - Russian Crisis (Interview w/ Col. Lee Lescano)
February 2022
2/11/2022 -KPBS - Winter Olympics provide lessons for local ice skaters - YouTube │ Archive
2/5/2022 - ABC 10 - Lucky Duck Foundation invests $1 million for job placement, training initiative for those experiencing homeless │ Archive
2/3/2022 - KUSI - Lucky Duck Foundation launches New $1M Homeless Employment, Job Training Initiative - Archive
2/2/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Foundation providing $1 million in grants to help homeless people find jobs - Archive
January 2022
1/20/2022 - NBC 7 - New Salvation Army Store Opens (interview w/ Captain Willie Bland) │ YouTube Archive
1/18/2022 - KUSI - ‘Concert For Hope’ Jan. 23 to benefit Salvation Army’s ARC in Otay Mesa YouTube archive │ YouTube Archive
1/17/2022 - AMG Demolition - 2021 Salvation Army Demo
1/12/2022 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - La Jolla Symphony and Chorus cancels January and February concerts because of COVID-19 health concerns
December 2021
12/21/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Making Christmas Wishes Come True Across The County (int. w/ Capt. Quintanilla & Patricia)
12/21/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Will Be Serving Christmas Meals (int. w/ Col. Lescano) - YouTube Archive
12/20/2021 - San Diego Magazine - A New Transitional Housing Complex Helps Families When They Need It Most
12/13/2021 - Imperial-San Diego Currents - The Salvation Army Bell Ringers Are a Welcome Tradition in The Valley
12/10/2021 - KUSI News - Toy n Joy Workshop will be open all day Sunday on Kroc Day of Giving (interview w/ Major Rob Birks) - YouTube Archive
12/10/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Kroc Center's Annual Day of Giving This Sunday 12/12
12/1/2021 - ABC 10 News - Here's how you can give back this holiday season in San Diego County
November 2021
11/30/2021 - FOX 5 - Charities scramble to find holiday gifts for kids thanks to supply chain problems
11/30/2021 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Supply Chain problems Hit Charities Holiday Gifts For kids
11/30/2021 - NBC 7 - Charities Struggle to Find Holiday Gifts for Kids Amid Supply Chain Problems
11/25/2021 - ABC 10 News - Salvation Army Serves 1,800
11/25/2021 - ABC 10 News - Salvation Army Meal Giveaway
11/25/2021 - NBC 7 - Salvation Army Serves Up 1,800 Thanksgiving Meals
11/25/2021 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army spreads Thanksgiving cheer with meals for homeless residents - YouTube Archive
11/25/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Continues Tradition of Serving Free Thanksgiving Meals
11/25/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army To Serve Thanksgiving Dinner at Centre City, Citadel, El Cajon, (on location)
11/25/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army To Serve Thanksgiving Dinner
11/25/2021 - ABC News 10 - Salvation Army Serves 1,800
11/25/2021 - CBS News 8 - 'People are so kind'| The Salvation Army provides hundreds of Thanksgiving meals
11/24/2021 - CBS News 8 - Salvation Army to serve meals tomorrow
11/24/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army to serve Thanksgiving dinner at Centre City, Citadel, El Cajon
11/24/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army to serve Thanksgiving dinner at Centre City, Citadel, El Cajon - YouTube Archive
11/23/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army needs your help filling Santa’s sack - YouTube Archive
11/19/2021 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Free community Thanksgiving meals served in North County
11/10/2021 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Athletes and their families celebrate Signing Day
11/10/2021 - KUSI News - 2021 National Signing Day in San Diego
11/9/2021 - FOX 5 - Vigil For Covid-19 Victims
11/9/2021 - The Daily Aztec - Aztecs Spearhead Trojans in Weekend Series
11/8/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army hosts floating candle vigil to honor victims of COVID-19 - YouTube Archive
11/8/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Hosts Floating Candle Vigil at Kroc Center (interview with Andre Sanford)
11/8/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Hosts Floating Candle Vigil To Honor Victims of Covid19 (interview w/ Major Rob Birks 2)
11/8/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Hosts Floating Candle Vigil To Honor Victims of Covid19 (interview with Major Rob Birks 1)
11/8/2021 - FOX 5 - Heartfelt vigil offers ‘closure’ to community center’s loved ones lost in pandemic - YouTube Archive
11/5/2021 - ABC News 10 - Today Is National Donut Day
11/4/2021 - San Diego Union-Tribune - Six Women Honored For Their Leadership
11/4/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary held their annual Artistry of Tables and Fashions 2021
October 2021
10/30/2021 - KUSI News - Last minute costume ideas
10/30/2021 - KUSI News - Last minute Halloween costume ideas you can find at The Salvation Army
10/27/2021 - NBC 7 - Oceanside Firefighters Respond to Hazmat Incident at Oceanside Senior Living Facility
10/25/2021 - KUSI News - The ‘Nice Guys’ award couple for first time at Nice Guys of the Year Gala
10/24/2021 - KUSI News - The "Nice Guys" Awards couple for first time at Nice Guys of The Year Award Gala - Dee Amon
10/20/2021 - KPBS - Fall Craft Bazaar
10/4/2021 - Caring Magazine - New Rady Residence Restores Hope To People Experiencing Homelessness In San Diego
10/1/2021 - KUSI News - The New Rady Residence Shelters and Supports Families Experiencing Homelessness
10/1/2021 - ABC News 10 - Dedication of Rady Residence
10/1/2021 - CBS News 8 - Dedication Ceremony for Rady Residence
10/1/2021 - ABC News 10 - Salvation Army's Rady Residence in Kearny Mesa officially dedicated
10/1/2021 - ABC News 10 - Salvation Army's Rady Residence in Kearny Mesa officially dedicated
September 2021
9/28/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - ‘Women of Dedication’
9/18/2021 - KUSI News - The 55th Annual Women of Dedication - Women of Vision Looking To A Brighter Future
9/17/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Women's Auxiliary Hosts Their 55th Annual Women of Dedication
9/1/2021 - Telemundo 20 - Personas de la tercera edad deciden no vacunarse, causando temor a sus vecinos
August 2021
8/31/2021 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Lemon Grove renews contract with agency that provides services to homeless
8/31/2021 - Times of San Diego - Prebys Foundation Gives $13 Million to 102 ‘Deserving’ Nonprofits in Summer Grant Cycle
8/15/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - El Cajon says it’s shouldering bulk of East County effort to help homeless population
July 2021
7/24/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Column: Concerned San Diegans fight antisemitism, promote kindness
7/19/2021 - KUSI News - - The Salvation Army will be one of the 2021 donation recipients from the Nice Guys
7/15/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Food, water outreach service expands to help more homeless
June 2021
6/10/2021 - KUSI News - "Welcome Home" Program Opens At Door Of Hope Rady Residence In Kearny Mesa
6/5/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Gave Away Free Donuts To Vets For National Donut Day (2021)
6/4/2021 - KUSI News - National Doughnut Day
6/4/2021 - CBS News 8 - National Donut Day
6/4/2021 - ABC News 10 - It's National Donut Day! Quick history of the sweet treat.
6/4/2021 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army To Honor 'Chopper the Biker Dog' La Jolla
6/4/2021 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army To Honor 'Chopper the Biker Dog'
6/4/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Giving Free Donuts To Vets at VA Hospital For National Donut Day 2021
6/2/2021 - Daily Mesa News - Salvation Army Opens New Center, Shop In Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - KUSI News - San Diego Adult Rehabilitation Center, Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Is Opening its New Adult Rehabilitation Center in Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - KUSI News - Grand Opening of The Salvation Army's Adult Rehabilitation Center in Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - KUSI News - Salvation Army's New Complex Includes Adult Rehabilitation Center in Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - NBC 7 - Adult Rehab Center Opens in Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - CBS News 8 - Adult Rehab Center To Open In Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - California News Times - Salvation Army opens new center, store in Otay Mesa
6/1/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Salvation Army opens new center, store in Otay Mesa
May 2021
5/26/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Greenway proponents pitch in on creek cleanup, monitor homeless outreach efforts
5/23/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - A dreamer and attorney, she returned to Mexico after 30 years to find ‘heartbreak’ at the border
5/17/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Man donates hundreds of pounds of food to Salvation Army... community news
April 2021
4/23/2021 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Welcome Home campaign
4/22/2021 - KUSI News - Lieutenant Colonel Michele and Lee Lescano join KUSI to talk about the Welcome Home! campaign
4/1/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Salvation Army prepares move from 40-year downtown home
March 2021
3/29/2021 - KUSI News - Lucky Duck Foundation, Feeding San Diego and The Salvation Army provides jobs for the homeless
3/20/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - No school for kids meant no job for single mother
February 2021
2/13/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Encontro receives $30,000 from Marcus Lemonis to provide meals to food insecure San Diegans
January 2021
1/26/2021 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Together San Diego: Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center
1/12/2021 - KUSI News - Mission Federal Credit Union to Distribute $215,000 To Help Local Nonprofits
1/7/2021 - New Frontier Chronicle - Providing food—and more—at the El Cajon Corps
December 2020
12/27/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Hosts Christmas Meals in Different Way
12/26/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Christmas Meals
12/25/2020 - FOX 5 San Diego - Annual Salvation Army meal goes takeout-style
12/25/2020 - CBS 8 San Diego - Toy Man | Vista's Jeffrey Olsen tops 53,000 gifts to those in need
12/24/2020 - The San Diego Union Tribune - Couple finally home for Christmas
12/23/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Christmas Meals - with Captain Sean Kelsey
12/23/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army's Red Kettle Bell Campaign Continues Through The Pandemic - with Sean Kelsey
12/23/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army's Red Kettle Bell Campaign Continues Through The Pandemic - with Col. Lee Lescano
12/23/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army To Provide Christmas Meals To Go At 3 Different Sites Around SD County - with Captain Sean Kelsey Partial
12/23/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Still time to join in county holiday activities
12/21/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army To Provide Christmas meals To go At Three Different Site Around SD County - with Col Lee Lescano Partial
12/21/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army To Provide Christmas Meals To Go At Three Sites Around SD County - with Col Lee Lescano Full
12/14/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Giving Back With Programs To Help Those In Need
12/12/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Not too late to donate: San Diego toy drives to share in this season of giving
12/11/2020 - The Vista Press - Holiday Giving Fundraiser
12/10/2020 - The Vista Press - HOLIDAY GIVING FUNDRAISER
12/10/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Vista philanthropist turns $3,000 into $19,000 in gifts
12/9/2020 - Beach and Bay Press - DAILY BRIEFING – Free meals to laid-off workers, Wayfarer Bread & Pastry honored, La Jolla Community Center's benefit concert
12/7/2020 - San Diego Magazine - Warrior Foundation Freedom Station Raises $1.5M to Bring Service Members Home for the Holidays
12/3/2020 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army Limits Kettles For Donation
November 2020
11/26/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army serves Thanksgiving meals to-go
11/26/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - Thanksgiving Meal Distribution Shines Light on Food Insecurity
11/24/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army adjusts Thanksgiving meal for COVID-19 pandemic safety
11/21/2020 - KUSI News - The Thanksgiving Meals is Free on a first come, first serve basis
11/19/2020 - KUSI News - Thanksgiving Meals To Go From The Salvation Army
11/18/2020 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army Thanksgiving Meals To Go
11/18/2020 - FOX 5 San Diego - Thanksgiving Meals To-Go
11/13/2020 - CBS 8 News - Serving hopeful meals to those in need during the holidays
11/9/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Partnering with Walmart to help families in need this holiday season
11/2/2020 - KOCT - The Voice of North County - Oceanside Spectrum - November 2020: Salvation Army
October 2020
10/30/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Receives Massive Food Donation For Oceanside
10/29/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Finishes New "Rady Door of Hope" Housing Facility
10/29/2020 - New Frontier Chronicle - New Rady Residence helps keep homeless families together in San Diego
September 2020
9/12/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army starting annual holiday fundraising early due to impact of COVID-19
August 2020
8/29/2020 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center reopens amid pandemic
8/22/2020 - KUSI News - Bayside Gospel Aboard the U.S.S. Midway goes virtual
8/22/2020 - M.A.N.D.A.T.E. Records - 7th Annual Bayside Gospel Concert Aboard The Midway
8/20/2020 - Fox 5 San Diego - Sycuan Donates to Salvation Army
8/17/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Resident donates hundreds of food cans to Salvation Army
8/9/2020 - KUSI News - "Stuff The Bus" Campaign wraps up today
8/7/2020 - The Pulse SD - Patty Zamora appears on The Pulse SD
8/6/2020 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army and Walmart team up to ‘Stuff the Bus’ for kids in need
8/6/2020 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army holding school supply drive for families in need
8/04/2020 - SDNews - Las Patronas’ Jewel Ball 20/20 Spectacular set for Aug. 8
July 2020
7/26/2020 - Ranch & Coast - The Las Patronas 74th Jewel Ball: 20/20 Spectacular will be enjoyed from the safety of home
7/23/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - El Cajon takes a new look at its homeless population
June 2020
6/26/2020 - Ranch & Coast - The Las Patronas 74th Jewel Ball: 20/20 Spectacular will be enjoyed from the safety of home
6/15/2020 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Kroc Center is reopening with limited activities
6/8/2020 - Ranch & Coast - Local skincare company CA Botana shifts gears to offset the sanitizer shortage
6/5/2020 - ABC 10 News - Salvation Army Delivers Donuts To HealthCare Workers
6/5/2020 - New Frontier Chronicle - Salvation Army honors frontline workers on National Donut Day
May 2020
5/24/2020 - Telemundo 20 - Reabren tiendas de Salvation Army
5/23/2020 - Telemundo 20 - Tiendas “Salvation Army” reabrieron sus puertas en San Diego
5/22/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army reopens thrift stores in Poway and Point Loma
5/22/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Reopens Pair of San Diego County Stores
5/22/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - 2 Salvation Army Stores Reopen in SD
5/22/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - 2 Salvation Army Stores Reopen in County
5/22/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Reopening 2 Thrift Stores, More to Follow
5/21/2020 - COVID-19 Task Force of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors - Press Briefing
5/14/2020 - Civil Air Patrol - Calif. Wing Assists Salvation Army Food Distribution
5/11/2020 - New Frontier Chronicle - San Diego Echelon chapter forms, responds during pandemic
5/2/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army takes part in #GivingTuesdayNow
April 2020
4/24/2020 - Mission Fed - Salvation Army SoMuchMore 3000 MissionFed
4/22/2020 - CBS 8 News - Assisting The Salvation Army San Diego through donations
4/21/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - San Diego's New Normal
4/17/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Tires stolen off San Diego Salvation Army food truck
4/15/2020 - The San Diego Foundation - Hope Lost, Now Found
4/13/2020 - NBC 7 San Diego - ‘Miracle Maker' Supplies South Bay Seniors With Essentials
4/10/2020 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Backcountry concerns and needs come to the forefront
4/9/2020 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army is working to help during the COVID-19 Pandemic
4/9/2020 - Ranch & Coast - The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary presents its 55th Anniversary Women of Dedication luncheon
4/5/2020 - Times-Advocate - Doing the most good: Salvation Army triples efforts during pandemic
4/1/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - San Diego skin care company develops hand sanitizer to fight Coronavirus
March 2020
3/31/2020 - FOX Sports - Join FOX Sports San Diego, Sinclair Cares and The Salvation Army in Supporting COVID-19 Relief Efforts
3/30/2020 - KUSI News - Salvation Army hosts drive thru for ‘Grab-N-Go’ kids meals during COVID-19 crisis
3/25/2020 - KTLA 5 - KTLA partners with Salvation Army for fundraising effort amid coronavirus pandemic
3/24/2020 - 103.7 KSON - The Salvation Army Kroc Center Starts Drive-Thru for “Grab-N-Go” Kid’s Meals
3/20/2020 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Feeding San Diego helps Salvation Army hold food distribution in El Cajon
3/11/2020 - Ranch & Coast - The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary held a reunion to mark the 55th Anniversary of Women of Dedication
3/3/2020 - TSA Construction - Construction Is Progressing On The Door Of Hope Rady Residence Project
February 2020
2/24/2020 - KUSI News - Mardi Gras party attire at the Salvation Army
January 2020
1/31/2020 - The Coronado Times - Penny Rothschild, the Joy of Art
1/30/2020 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army ending senior meal delivery due to lack of funding
1/16/2020 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Getting in shape for the new year
1/14/2020 - Ranch & Coast - The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary has announced its 2020 Women of Dedication
December 2019
12/30/2019 - CBS 8 News - Tony Hawk poses as Santa Claus, surprises skaters at San Diego skate parks
12/27/2019 - KUSI News - Simple table setting ideas for your New Year’s Eve dinner celebration
12/26/2019 - CBS 8 News - Volunteers remind that Salvation Army needs help year round
12/26/2019 - KUSI News - Lt. Col. Lee Lescano discusses the Salvation Army’s year-end giving
12/25/2019 - Times of San Diego - Salvation Army, Other Nonprofits to Serve Christmas Meals to Needy San Diegans
12/25/2019 - FOX 5 - Christmas meals for those in need served throughout San Diego
12/16/2019 - 600 KOGO News Radio - KOGO Listeners Help Salvation Army Collect Thousands of Toys
12/9/2019 - KUSI News - Salvation Army of San Diego seeking donations during the holidays
12/5/2019 - KUIS News - Thrifty Thursday – Holiday gift ideas from The Salvation Army
12/4/2019 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Pulls 19 Bell Ringers Due To Storm
12/2/2019 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army shares how you can celebrate Giving Tuesday
November 2019
11/30/2019 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle season has officially kicked off
11/28/2019 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army hosts annual Thanksgiving dinner
11/28/2019 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army and USO serve up Thanksgiving meals
11/28/2019 - FOX 5 - Salvation Army serves 36th annual Thanksgiving lunch
11/28/2019 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Salvation Army serves Thanksgiving Day special: Hope
11/26/2019 - CBS 8 San Diego - The Salvation Army hosts Thanksgiving dinner for less fortunate in San Diego in 1981
11/14/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Holiday outfits
11/6/2019 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Skate away on one of San Diego's outdoor ice rinks this holiday season
11/4/2019 - San Diego Union-Tribune - Salvation Army’s Red Shield Center opens in El Cajon
October 2019
10/31/2019 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army opens El Cajon Red Shield Center
10/28/2019 - NBC 7 San Diego - East County Red Shield Center Grand Opening
10/28/2019 - New Frontier Chronicle - Progress continues on Rady Residence, Center in San Diego
10/24/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Easy, last minute Halloween costumes
10/11/2019 - Murphy Development Company - Murphy Development to build new facility for Salvation Army at Brown Field
10/10/2019 - San Diego Business Journal - Salvation Army Moves To Otay Mesa
10/1/2019 - New Frontier Chronicle - ARC breaks ground on Otay Mesa rehabilitation facility
September 2019
9-30-2019 - TSA Construction - Stay Up To Date With Our Rady Residence Project Via Live Time Lapse Video
9/24/2019 - Connect California - Murphy Plans Salvation Army BTS Facility in Otay Mesa
9/16/2019 - FOX 5 - Aquapole fitness is a fun way to get fit in the pool
9/12/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Unique Kaaboo Festival looks
August 2019
8/22/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Basket Gallery Walls
8/1/2019 - KUSI News - Salvation Army taking action to end San Diego homeless crisis
July 2019
7/11/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursdays – Del Mar Racing Season looks on a budget
7/1/2019 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication
June 2019
5/20/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Home decor on a budget
5/11/2019 - New Frontier Chronicle - New grant expands rapid rehousing efforts in San Diego
5/7/2019 - USS Midway Museum - NATIONAL DONUT DAY ON MIDWAY
5/6/2019 - KUSI News - Celebrate Donut Day on the USS Midway
5/6/2019 - CBS 8 News - Professional competitor eater in San Diego for Donut Day on USS Midway
May 2019
5/30/2019 - TSA Construction - TSA Breaks Ground On The Salvation Army’s Rady Residence
5/9/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Spring Break and Summer Fashion
April 2019
4/26/2019 - KUSI News - Volunteers help revamp the Salvation Army’s downtown center
4/12/2019 - Ranch & Coast - Champions of Giving All-Stars
4/11/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Prom Dress Trends
March 2019
3/30/2019 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary host its 54th Annual Women of Dedication Luncheon
3/14/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday – Spring and Festival Fashion
February 2019
2/21/2019 KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday: Re-purposing Vinyl Records
2/20/2019 - Patch News - Salvation Army Launches Partnership With Live Well San Diego
January 2019
1/31/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday: Galentines Day
1/29/2019 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army San Diego providing services for furloughed federal workers
1/23/2019 - KUSI News - Salvation Army offers resources for furloughed federal workers
1/19/2019 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication Presentation Tea
1/10/2019 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday: Getting organized with The San Diego Salvation Army
1/3/2019 - NBC 7 San Diego - Walls Go Up at Site of New Salvation Army Center in El Cajon
1/3/2019 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army one step closer to new community center in El Cajon
1/3/2019 - ABC 10 News - New Salvation Army center opens in East County
December 2018
12/14/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army asking for toy donations to help those in need this holiday season
12/12/2018 - NBC 7 San Diego - North County Family to Ring Bell for Red Kettle for 24 Hours
12/12/2018 - CBS 8 News - San Diego woman and her sons ringing Salvation Army bell for 24 hours
12/12/2018 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army Kroc Center in need of holiday toy donations
12/11/2018 - New Frontier Chronicle - Inmates, San Diego Kroc Center team up to give 200 kids bikes
12/11/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Kroc Center asking for nearly 5,000 holiday toy donations
12/11/2018 - Patch News - Nearly 5,000 Toy Donations Needed For Salvation Army Kroc Center
12/6/2018 - Ranch & Coast - Artistry of Tables and Fashions
12/5/2018 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication 2019: Video
November 2018
11/28/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army presents “Women of Dedication” honorees
11/27/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army holds bell-ringing fundraiser
11/22/2018 - ABC 10 News San Diego - 35th Annual Salvation Army Thanksgiving Dinner served 1,300 people
11/22/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army hosts Thanksgiving dinner
11/15/2018 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday: Fall fashion looks
11/14/2018 - Telemundo 20 - Incendio en tienda Salvation Army
11/13/2018 - NBC 7 San Diego - Kiln Sparks Fire at Salvation Army Downtown
11/13/2018 - Telemundo 20 - Incendio en Downtown San Diego
11/13/2018 - Telemundo 20 - Bomberos sofocan las llamas en un Salvation Army
11/9/2018 - TSA Construction - Has Been Awarded The Salvation Army Rady Residence Project
11/8/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army’s Kettle Kick-off and tree lighting event at Fashion Valley Mall
October 2018
10/11/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army holds annual Artistry of Tables and Fashions benefit
10/11/2018 - Ranch & Coast - Artistry of Tables & Fashions
August 2018
8/16/2018 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday shopping tips and tricks with the Salvation Army
8/13/2018 - RB Rotary - Salvation Army School Supply Fair
8/9/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army tips to shop the latest trends on a budget
July 2018
7/26/2018 - KUSI News - Thrifty Thursday at Salvation Army: Shopping tips, unique finds, and outfit planning
7/9/2018 - New Frontier Chronicle - Salvation Army responds to West Fire in San Diego County
7/5/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army’s food pantry in El Cajon running short on supplies
7/3/2018 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army food pantry in El Cajon running critically low on food, asking for donations
7/4/2018 - NBC 7 San Diego - El Cajon Salvation Army Needs Help Filling Empty Shelves
June 2018
6/5/2018 - STAR 94.1 - Driving Ahead - 5th Annual San Diego Salvation Army Golf Tournament
May 2018
5/17/2018 - KUSI News - The Salvation Army’s 53rd annual Women of Dedication luncheon preview
5/14/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Appreciation Week
April 2018
4/30/2018 - Ranch & Coast - Wonder Women
4/2/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army collecting donations during Spring cleaning season
February 2018
2/15/2018 - KUSI News - Salvation Army hosts Socks and Sandwiches event
January 2018
1/31/2018 - The Coronado Times - Coronado High School and Salvation Army to Host Community Donation Drive
1/29/2018 - KUSI News - Local billionaire donates $50 million to Salvation Army
1/29/2018 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army Receives $50M Rady Donation for San Diego's Homeless
1/29/2018 - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Radys donate $50 million to Salvation Army for homeless
1/29/2018 - New Frontier Chronicle - $50 million gift to Salvation Army announced in San Diego
1/6/2018 - San Diego Family - Family Fun Fest at the Salvation Army Kroc Center
December 2017
12/25/2017 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army, Serving Seniors, NAN fixing Christmas plates for those in need
12/23/2017 - KUSI News - Last day for Salvation Army donations
12/21/2017 - KUSI News - Salvation Army looking for help this holiday season
12/20/2017 - KUSI News - Salvation Army needs your help this holiday season
12/16/2017 - KPBS - Massage Envy Salvation Army Toy Drive
12/11/2017 - Today - Watch Tony Hawk deliver a Christmas surprise to deserving families
12/9/2017 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication Presentation Reception
12/6/2017 - CBS 8 News - Help support the Salvation Army's annual toy drive
November 2017
11/23/2017 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army Dinner: Hundreds line up for warm Thanksgiving meal
11/23/2017 - KUSI News - Salvation Army provides over 1500 people with Thanksgiving meals
11/13/2017 - KPBS News - Salvation Army Launches Largest Yearly Fundraiser, While Adult Rehabilitation Center Struggles (w/ James Durland)
October 2017
10/27/2017 - NBC 7 San Diego - Salvation Army San Diego Desperately Needs Donations as Holidays Approach
10/3/2017 - Ranch & Coast - Artistry of Tables and Fashions
May 2017
5/15/2017 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication
April 2017
4/13/2017 - Ranch & Coast - Celebrating San Diego Women for More Than 50 Years
March 2017
3/7/2017 - Ranch & Coast - 52nd Annual Women of Dedication Luncheon
January 2017
1/12/2017 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication Reception
December 2016
12/16/2016 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Man steals Salvation Army Red Kettle at La Jolla grocery store, flees in golf cart
12/13/2016 - KUSI News - Salvation Army Toy Drive helping families this holiday season
November 2016
11/24/2016 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Hundreds attend Salvation Army dinner
11/24/2016 - KUSI News - Salvation Army hosts 33rd annual Thanksgiving
11/23/2016 - CBS 8 News - 1800 Thanksgiving dinners served by Salvation Army
11/10/2016 - Patch News - Cricket Wireless Launches 'Likes for Tikes' Holiday Campaign
September 2016
9/7/2016 - Patch News - The Salvation Army Oceanside Block Party Set for Saturday
July 2016
7/26/2016 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Trailer set ablaze outside Midway Salvation Army
7/26/2016 - Patch News - Man Accused Of Setting Fire At Salvation Army Thrift Shop
7/25/2016 - Patch News - Cricket Wireless and Salvation Army Launch 'Stuff the Pack'
May 2016
5/24/2016 - ABC 10 News San Diego - Salvation Army's efforts could take hit
January 2016
1/1/2016 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication Presentation
December 2015
12/25/2015 - ABC 10 News San Diego - 1,800 expected for Salvation Army lunch
12/15/2015 - KUSI News - Salvation Army down thousands of toys for annual toy drive
October 2015
10/30/2015 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication
March 2015
3/6/2015 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army presents Golden Bell Awards
3/12/2015 - Ranch & Coast - Women of Dedication 50th Reunion
December 2014
12/25/2014 - KUSI News - Salvation Army will provide Christmas meals for 1,800 San Diegans
12/23/2014 - KPBS - San Diego Salvation Army Says Donations Are Down
12/10/2014 - CBS 8 News - CBS 8's Sound of Hope benefiting The Salvation Army
12/4/2014 - Patch News - Barona Resort and Casino and Staff Donate Food and $5,000 to the East County Salvation Army's 35th Annual Toy and Food Drive
October 2014
10/30/2014 - CBS 8 News - Ruptured water main floods Salvation Army in Oceanside
10/1/2014 - Ranch & Coast - Artistry of Tables & Fashions
November 2014
11/27/2014 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army serves up Thanksgiving dinner
11/26/2014 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army serves up Thanksgiving meal
May 2014
5/15/2014 - New Frontier Chronicle - San Diego County fires: Salvation Army provides support to those impacted
5/1/2014 - Ranch & Coast - Changing Lives: Salvation Army’s Door of Hope
April 2014
3/4/2014 - Patch News - Zumbathon
December 2013
12/25/2013 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army serves up Christmas feast
12/23/2013 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army wraps up two-day Christmas event
12/23/2013 - Patch News - Salvation Army Wraps Up Christmas Event
12/21/2013 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army hands out toys to needy families
12/21/2013 - Patch News - Salvation Army Distributing Gifts to Needy Families
12/20/2013 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army changes lives
November 2013
11/29/2013 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army serves 2,000 at Golden Hall
11/29/2013 - Patch News - Salvation Army Officer Skydives for Holiday Assistance Awareness
June 2013
6/24/2013 - New Frontier Chronicle - San Diego opens its Door of Hope
March 2013
3/15/2013 - Ranch & Coast - Women Of Dedication 2013
December 2012
12/22/2012 - CBS 8 News - 17,000 local kids expected to receive toys from the Salvation Army
12/18/2012 - FOX 5 - Kids receive bikes restored by inmates
12/1/20112 - Patch News - Salvation Army Officer to Skydive for Families Saturday
September 2012
9/27/2012 - Patch News - The Salvation Army Family Store - Grand Opening / Store Expansion
November 2011
11/26/2011 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army unveils new giant red kettle
11/26/2011 - San Diego Reader - Black Friday Sale!
11/24/2011 - CBS 8 News - Salvation Army dishes up hundreds of meals and smiles
December 2010
12/25/2010 - CBS 8 News - Couple thousand expected for Salvation Army's Christmas dinner
12/21/2010 - CBS 8 News - CBS 8 teams up with the Salvation Army for Operation Red Kettle