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Please enter your name, email and zip code below to sign up!
Throughout the year, we offer a variety of assistance, without discrimination, at your local Salvation Army Corps.
The Salvation Army's mission is to serve the needs of each community. Because each community is unique, each center offers different services.
Locate a center near you below. Contact your local Salvation Army representative to register for assistance.
Since 1887, The Salvation Army has been in San Diego providing services to more than 267,000 people in need every year.
The Salvation Army's history of public service dates back to 1865. It has evolved over the years into a social service provider of unmatched scope and breadth - delivering assistance to those in need without discrimination.
Social Services are provided at seven separate Corps Community Centers throughout the Greater San Diego Area. There are also seven different Thrift Store locations that fund the Adult Rehabilitation Center.
Please contact The Salvation Army Corps nearest by locating center on the map or by entering your zip code below.